well, i had an absolutely fab time shopping yesterday with Bibbs and K :)
bought sooo much x]
i got this blazer and stripey tee to go with it..and i actually have curves!!
i havent seen them in ages.
all i wear is baggy tees this days ;o
im impressed :)
been talking to josh for a while today.
ive probs got a text from him now actually..but my phone's ran out of charge and i cba to grab my charger as im going to bed in a sec.
been nice to talk to him though.
actually been getting on like we're friends.
weird..but kinda nice.
jee, the daft sod, left her phone at work on sunday.
and only just text me at around 11am today.
she is forgetful :)
never mind.
im covered in cuts atm.
accidental ones!! ofc. i was getting my razor out my overnight bag t'other day, and accidentally cut myself loads when i was picking up other stuff and forgot it was in my hand.
cant remember if i mentioned that in my last blog? hmm.
probably :L
made pancakes today.
they all failed quite epically O.o
nice tho :)
had a blood test this morning.
i might have this disease called reinards..or however you spell it.
im gonna research it now...
oh no..it's "raynauds".
5 mins later...
well i hope i dont have that O.o
it doesnt sound too good tbh!
google it.
bought sooo much x]
i got this blazer and stripey tee to go with it..and i actually have curves!!
i havent seen them in ages.
all i wear is baggy tees this days ;o
im impressed :)
been talking to josh for a while today.
ive probs got a text from him now actually..but my phone's ran out of charge and i cba to grab my charger as im going to bed in a sec.
been nice to talk to him though.
actually been getting on like we're friends.
weird..but kinda nice.
jee, the daft sod, left her phone at work on sunday.
and only just text me at around 11am today.
she is forgetful :)

never mind.
im covered in cuts atm.
accidental ones!! ofc. i was getting my razor out my overnight bag t'other day, and accidentally cut myself loads when i was picking up other stuff and forgot it was in my hand.
cant remember if i mentioned that in my last blog? hmm.
probably :L
made pancakes today.
they all failed quite epically O.o
nice tho :)
had a blood test this morning.
i might have this disease called reinards..or however you spell it.
im gonna research it now...
oh no..it's "raynauds".
5 mins later...
well i hope i dont have that O.o
it doesnt sound too good tbh!
google it.
but i dont have blue toes?
but they do go white a lot.
my tablets ive been taking help.
but they do go white a lot.
my tablets ive been taking help.
anyway...no point in fretting :)
i think i just have slow blood circulation.
ahhh shit.
every. single. time. i have a blood test, i get told im anaemic, and get put on bloody iron tablets/liquid ¬_¬ and last time i was low on folic acid too!
iron tablets are FOUL to crunch because i never used to be able to swallow them..but i can now probs. i've had to adapt..if i crunched my current ones...id die :L
iron liquid is even worse! it's literally like licking the side of a car. REALLY metallic :s
and folic acid liquid is like flem...it's even warm!! :s even if its been in the fridge! it's like lukewarm and the same consistancy as flem *boff*
i think i just have slow blood circulation.
ahhh shit.
every. single. time. i have a blood test, i get told im anaemic, and get put on bloody iron tablets/liquid ¬_¬ and last time i was low on folic acid too!
iron tablets are FOUL to crunch because i never used to be able to swallow them..but i can now probs. i've had to adapt..if i crunched my current ones...id die :L
iron liquid is even worse! it's literally like licking the side of a car. REALLY metallic :s
and folic acid liquid is like flem...it's even warm!! :s even if its been in the fridge! it's like lukewarm and the same consistancy as flem *boff*
i wonder what happens to you when you're anaemic...to google!!
i do have VERY pale skin..it's always cold..i get shortness of breath (but im just lazy :L)....i have weak muscles (also lazy)..and i dunno about blood pressure? hmmm.
i do have VERY pale skin..it's always cold..i get shortness of breath (but im just lazy :L)....i have weak muscles (also lazy)..and i dunno about blood pressure? hmmm.
oh dear..it can cause heart attacks O.o
bah never mind :L
cba! x]
bah never mind :L
cba! x]
ok..thats all :)
v. medical blog today ;)
v. medical blog today ;)
in other news..scot's ran away..but i think he's back at home again?
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