Hallooo!!! ;D
Im randomly in a really really good mood :)
Well i've had a pretty ace day tbh. :)
Started off having to run for the bus with mad hair and a face like a baboon's bumoleys! D;
But met Josh, Bibbs, Jo, Tommi and Chris uptown and off we went to Nottinghaaaaam :D
Then Jodie had to go to the opticians so me, Bibbs, Josh, Tommi and Chris grabbed some Greggs (chicken bake and half a jam donut..yummy scrumboes!!), popped to Primark (the lads actually made me and Lou go!!! D;) and went on this random massive swing thing i went on with Jo and Reen last time we went to Notts. :)
So Jo finally came back, and we went to the arena to grab our skates and goooo!
Me and Bibbs had to tie Chris's skates for him because they failed quite badly! :L :L :L hahaha. :D
It was quite groovy skating tbh. I built up confidence after a while. :) even Josh did!
Then Jodie had to go to the opticians so me, Bibbs, Josh, Tommi and Chris grabbed some Greggs (chicken bake and half a jam donut..yummy scrumboes!!), popped to Primark (the lads actually made me and Lou go!!! D;) and went on this random massive swing thing i went on with Jo and Reen last time we went to Notts. :)
So Jo finally came back, and we went to the arena to grab our skates and goooo!
Me and Bibbs had to tie Chris's skates for him because they failed quite badly! :L :L :L hahaha. :D
It was quite groovy skating tbh. I built up confidence after a while. :) even Josh did!
How everyone skates;-
Me - Super slow to begin with, then quite fast towards the end..but i fell over once! (painful!!!)
Josh - Super duper slow and hanging onto the side, then super fast and pushing self along the side but managed to do it in the middle of the rink after an hour or so.
Jodie - Straight into the middle, v.good.
Tommi - Really really good too!
Lou - V. fast but wobbly and takes everyone down with her. She didnt fall over! But she did make Chris and Josh fall over! :P
Chris - Crazy legs! He manages to go fast but his legs are going everywhere!! LOL!
Josh - Super duper slow and hanging onto the side, then super fast and pushing self along the side but managed to do it in the middle of the rink after an hour or so.
Jodie - Straight into the middle, v.good.
Tommi - Really really good too!
Lou - V. fast but wobbly and takes everyone down with her. She didnt fall over! But she did make Chris and Josh fall over! :P
Chris - Crazy legs! He manages to go fast but his legs are going everywhere!! LOL!
:) and these are my.."friends" xD love them though. :)
Went to Josh's for tea afterwards, then got picked up by my mutti, then we went to Tescooo :) i bought the book Wuthering Heights (yey!) and John Tucker Must Die which i may watch tonight. Such a funny movie!!! :P Also got Ben n Jerrys Choccy Brownie Mice Cream ;) naaaice! Oh..and random college st
uff. :) my college folder is SOOOOOO cute!!! Ill stick a piccie on here sometime :P

Getting my fringe done tomo!! A full fringe :L And have asked Clare (josh's mutti) if she will pleeease dye it purple for me next tues as my mutti is a tad iffy 'cause of the mess. :L
Oh no! They only sell the dye i want in the Boots in Notts!! Which means i have to go to Notts AGAIN!! Ill have to go Monday D; arrrgggghh! College on wednesday!!! ARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Need to go to Notts to get my college bag anyway. :) ill ask Lou to come with me. ;)
Right, off now as cba to write anymore :)
Lora :) xx
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