Bonjooouuur. :)
Well..last night/early morning was a RIGHT kerpuffle! D; Josh and Scot were talking via Facebook Chat and they werent telling me what about. Fortunately Josh sent me the whole convo. (Y) But still D; i got quite worried.
Me and Josh ended up having another fight last night :/ because appa i reacted weird to the convo once i'd read it. :S hmm. I went quite calm because i knew what was happening. :) and i thought Scot'd be threatening..but fortunately he wasnt. (Y) go him. :L Josh was pretty nice too. So it's all good. :)
Me and Josh ended up having another fight last night :/ because appa i reacted weird to the convo once i'd read it. :S hmm. I went quite calm because i knew what was happening. :) and i thought Scot'd be threatening..but fortunately he wasnt. (Y) go him. :L Josh was pretty nice too. So it's all good. :)
God im starving! It's gone 20 to 7 and i havent had tea yet! Grr. Mutti's just put it on. Chicken, cheese and brocolli laticce with satay tatties. :P yummy scrumboes me thinks. ;)
Charging my ipod too. :L woop. Put some pics on it just. :D (h5)
Well im going up to Liverpool this weekend. So you'll have to cope for Friday, Saturday and Sunday without my blogs!! 3 font 3< <> :P But ill be back monday. :)
Start college in 2 days. : : gah.
Well today was pretty fab. :D apart from missing the bus this morning! Lol! Well i got the 11-57 bus to uptown and met Lou, then we got the R2 to Notts and had a good day shopping and chitchatting :D got a new col bag (purple, red and orange! Primark ♥♥), some black pumps for £2!! (also Primark ♥♥♥♥), some felt tips, a pencilcase and 2 cds :) (fallout boy and christina ag)...oh..and some BLUE tights!! :D

So everything's groovy. :P
Im going to Josh's tomo all day. Need to go to Wilko's or somewhere in the morning to buy 2 boxes of purple hair dye. ;) Clare's dying it for me in the afternoon xD hehehehe. ♥
Im going to Josh's tomo all day. Need to go to Wilko's or somewhere in the morning to buy 2 boxes of purple hair dye. ;) Clare's dying it for me in the afternoon xD hehehehe. ♥
*tummy rumbles* feed me! D;
Might FINALLY watch John Tucker Must Die tonight! Hahahaha :P i've had it for days now and still havent watched it! xD
Off now my chums. :)
Most probably write later ;)
Lora :) xx
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