Heyy :D
I havent actually slept since i posted my last blog :L
Just a few hours have gone by. :P
It's half 3am and im in bed with Lh who's complaining about Kerry eating a kebab :L
Rofl! She does make me giggle :D :D
Fallout boy <3
I miss Connor :L (random mate i met at campsite in Wales)
He nearly made me throw up when he was pushing me on the roundabout though.
I talked to Scot earlier.
And he told Conor (diff one..his.."mate") that i used to fancy him!! D;
Argh! Bastard ;L
Also randomly talked to Chris earlier.
Asked him if he was still coming to my party tomo.
He swore a lot :L
Appa he forgot :P
But he's gonna try and make it.
Bless him. <3
He is really sweet tbh :L
If a tad chavvy!! xD
Wanted to talk to Josh tonight and told him to phone me at 11, but he didnt! Must have fallen asleep or something.
That's nice isnt it?! :L
So i ended up phoning loads of randoms. :P
Still freaked out im gonna be 16.
Lh gave me a really sweet lil' booklet she'd made me. :)
Tis v. nice with a cute letter inside that is sooo true xD :L
Love her to bits :D :L
She appa cba :L And is now probs gonna read what im writing! (Y) Yup...she is. :) Hahaha. :D
Scot randomly wrote a new blog for the first time in donks.
It had both me and Lh on it. (Y) Proud :L
Toodlepip :)
Lora :) xx
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