Bonjour my pallies!!
Have you missed me? I bet you have ;)
So..my holiday with Bibbs was ace :L
We had fun getting chatted up by 12 year olds, going on the dance machines, swimming fully clothes in the sea, singing on the beach wall to everyone (people actually listened!! :D) and generally having a good larf. :D
I read my boyfriend's blog recently (http://www.joshtheboo.blogspot.com/) - if you wanted to have a nose - although he may kill me for posting the URL..but that's the whole point of blogs! :D
He writes so different to me :L i write like a loon :P *crosses eyes*
So i was talking to Scot today and last night because something big kicked off and he needed comforting. (Y) He's much happier now :D and im glad. He also suggested we move on from the past and just be friends, nothing more, nothing less from now on. I think its a rather good idea tbh because i have noone else to talk to at 2am on msn! :L LOL :P
Not sure Josh'll think it's such a good idea though..hmm...
I asked Laura about that and she told me to tell him to just get used to it and he should accept that being friends with Scot makes me happy and that he should be happy im happy.
...im not gonna say that though. :L That's far too harsh!!! Im not mean like that. :)
Things'll sort themselves out...they always do.
Im actually under strict orders to make this blog by Josh. He must be bored because my blogs are BOORRRIIINNGGGG :D
It's Gareth's bday do at 11am at Vicki Park tomo.
Im gonna phone Bibbs inna bit to organise me going over her house at about 10amish, then popping uptown to get him a card and going over to meet everyone. :)
I know that Amanda's gonna try and go, me, Lou, Scot are...Josh might be..not sure if he is yet...and a few more randomers are.
Gareth (weirdly) invited Baldimort (deadly enemy - she snogged Josh...but lets not go into that!..) ..but i dunno if she's going. She'd better not. Cba to put up with her!! It'll just spoil things.
Speaking of spoilt, my mum spent £75 in Matalan today!! ;O coorrrr!! Rich much? :L
I got loooads of luuurvly new things :D
My new jacket and black heels seriously make me look about 20 and that im going for a job interview! :P high five on that! ;D
Life is quite fabbity fab atm. :)
Shame i have to go on holiday Wednesday :/
Sorry about caps, and i dunno why im so excited that im with my lil' cousin, but she makes tent life for 8 days SOOOOO much more bearable!
Plus when we complain together, noone can stand it ;)
I shall write a bloggity blog tomo night when i'm back from my Vati's, but then i cant write one til the 20th!! ;O
Tis Ynnan's (my nanny) 71st on the 21st too! ;O Hehe :P
And my 16th on the 24th xD
16 and LEGAL BABY!!
But mutti's making me have this pesky cervical cancer jab and im strictly forbidden from having sex til ive finished the course of injections.
I think i have to have three or something. :/
We've lasted for 4 months so far! Hahaha :D i think we can last a few more weeks. :)
I hope!! :P
I soooo need to find a slutty vampire outfit for my sleepover.
Any ideas? Let me know!!
This has been Lora Corser,
Signing off ;)
Lora :) x
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