Bonjour loons :)
Blimey 'o reily's pants!! It's pouring it down and Lh is outside dancing in the rain!!!
Hahahaha :D Proof that my sister/best mate is an official loon!!!
She's back and she's sopping wet :L :L :L daft sod :P
Thats us >>
At Alton Towers, acting like loons ;)
Well, i have la internet back at my house! Which means i'll be doing more and more blogs :D which is good news for whoever actually reads these :L
Who really understands them, seriously?
I mean, take Josh for example..
I told him last night that Scot had been talking to me, and he just went all weird and started saying super-nasty things. Which i suppose is understandable to a limit because of all the fo-shizz that's gone off, but still!!
I dont go around slagging off Kayleigh Ann.....
ok maybe just a little. :) but i have a reason.
Although he does too...
But anyway, he needs to realise that im not a free woman who's avaliable to gallavant around goat hills, nunga-nungas flying free and wild!!
I come with baggage.
So much baggage i have a butler called Jeeves.
And he has a butler.
I miss my bestiie pal and advisor in such situations. :(
The elusive and tres tres sexy Miss Louish. (aka Bibbs, Lou, Loofah etc)
She would know what to do.
And if she didnt, she would cheer me up by offering my some of her secret stash of jaffaaaaar cakes.
And we would come up with a loony dance to some terrible music :) as per usual in the world of madness. ;D
Anyway, so she's off snogging fish in Whitby with her "family" (who make the mad hatter's dinner party look like tea with the queen!!!).. and she's left me up her all on my owney.
... well obverrs apart from my other bestiie Lh. (aka Laura, Lil' Laura, Loz, Blondiie etc)

But theres only so much laughing at Lee Evans one can do til thou pines for more than just thee monkey man and his pet goldfish that cant sleep. :/
Alwell. I shall be grateful i at least have Lh. :D she is a good larf. ;)
Hmmm..what shall i wear for my birthday? *ponders*
Im looking at some naaaaice dresses atm. :D
I hope my vati's gonna buy me the ipod nano i asked for. :L
WOOO!!! Greenday - American Idiot.
ACE song :D
Hahahaha :P
Hmm...i keep changing the font :P hahaha.
Laura is reading Dancing In My Nuddy-Pants.
I was reading "..and thats when it fell off in my hand"
But i've stopped for the mo to write this shizz :)
I am soooo gonna move to America when im older, and sing this on the way!! Hahahaha :D
Right chums and chumettes,
Im off to rave with Lh and also get dressed sometime today..even though i really cba.
Mutti;s picking me up at half 6 so tis all gravy :)
Lora :) x
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