Heyy Guys. :)
Well, this is my first ever blog. Not quite sure how to do it yet, but i hope i'll find a way. :D
Been a good weekend so far.
I was over at my best mate Laura's house last night and we had SUCH a laugh!
She really is awesome. :P
She's upstairs at the mo, on her lappytop. ;D tehe.
Decided to make a blog after reading Scot's.
His is WAY better though. :L
Mine just fails at the mo. ;)
Well, a LOT has been kicking off recently.
For example, a so called friend (who i never really liked in the first place because she is just sooooo unbelievably fake) kissed my boyfriend.
There was a lot of controversy about if it was really her who kissed him etc, and she claimed that he kissed her and has been sending her loads of lovey texts.
What she DOESNT know, is that I KNOW he sent her texts, because she was "suicidal" and he didnt want her to kill herself because she was saying stupid things like "nobody loves me" and all that jazz etc. :P
Plus i know that she text him apologizing for kissing him. ;) hehe.
Besides, it was HIM who told ME in the first place that she kissed him. And he wouldn't bring it up if it was really him in the wrong.
Fair do's, i wasnt very happy with him for not "pulling away and kicking her in the face", but we all make mistakes.
We managed to work through it. :)
So all is well in Lora-Land for the time being. :P
Thanks a lot to Scot for helping me through that rough time. Im sorry if i made things worse for you. <3
Lora :) x
;L Auuuwwwwhhhh.
ReplyDeleteAs for that last bit, I'm sorting it tonight (Y).