Wow, this website sure has changed since i last came on here in October.
About 8 months have passed since then, and a lot has happened.
I dropped out of uni in January this year, and i've been with Lauren Winnard since the 15th of November last year.
I live with her and her mum/brother in Chesterfield.
I've made some amazing best friends, Leighann, Evie, Jack and Luke...and we've had some absolutely amazing gatherings.
Lh still isn't talking to me properly, though she mentioned to my Mum that she's considering speaking to me now..
It's absolutely drained me. A year and a half of mourning....
I don't think i'll ever get over it, i think i'll get used to it, but there'll always be that twinge of pain, that little niggle.
I'll put a couple of pics on here...if i can work out how to do that!
Lora x