Sunday, 31 January 2010

really short blog..

this weekend was good. :)
annie sleeping over was
we had a lot of laughs.

this blog's gonna be short btw :L

arguing nicely with josh atm.
well..wasnt v.nice just.
but we're friends now or w.e.
god knows.
it's one fucked up friendship :L
sometimes he's alright..on his good days.
something i cba with him..on my bad days.

stressful day at col tomo.
got a lot of things to sort out.

ooo dear he's being funny with me again.
im getting whiplash from these moodswings.
^ edited twilight comment ;) lmao.

told you it was gonna be a short one.

pip pip! x

Thursday, 28 January 2010

she's a maneater.

well im feeling particularly malicious today.
^_^ well..tonight.

me and scot have just been having a natter.
about josh and jodie (Y)
he said he'd been talking to her earlier or had a chat about their relationship.
both of us dont think its gonna last.
im betting josh cracks her. :)
scot thinks he'll crack first.
only time will tell ;)
though is it a good idea betting against me? ;)

"you wont see me betting against alice."
x] hehe.

had a really good day at coll :)
twas a Lorannie day tbh x]
me and anniebalector cleaned out the pigs this morning, but finished like 40 mins early x] which is always good ;D
then munched our way through a lot of food (Y)
and read a few mags.

mutti's not back yet.
tho she said she wouldnt be back til after 6.
ive been home since half 3 :L
done nothing mind P; (Y)

lh is coming down on the 12th with james, her boyfriend.
be nice, yet awkward, to meet him. ^_^
russ's 50th party on that saturday ;)

oh, im babysitting kirsty next saturday too.
should be pretty groovy :)

annie's sleeping tomo.
:D hopefully :L

will have a natter with her and make LISTS x]
ahh, my pink pal
ma rosé amie! ;)

au revoir, yep.

Lora :) xx

Sunday, 24 January 2010

happier times.

mcr - mama.
i blame Jee for getting me into this song! ;O

talking to annie on fb atm :)
♥ love that fool.


Lora :) xx

p.s. pic is from "how to train your dragon" ...the trailer looks SOOO cute!! MUST see it!

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Monday, 18 January 2010


cant actually be bothered to do a blog...
josh is winding me up.

he does my head in when he's funny with me like this.
cba with him.

god he's rude.


Wednesday, 13 January 2010


crazy crazy times :L
speaking to josh atm.
appa we're not friends? rate :L
oh he's a mardy bugger.

♫ nice dancing love but you should have worn a bra. x]
hahahaha :P
friday night - lily allen.

well today was pretty fun :P
stayed for welfare this morning.
but carrie (collections tutor) said we can go in 2nd lessons, so all the girlie wirlies headed back to mine for a ma-HOOO-sive rave :D
hahaha :P was bloomin funny ^_^
lois and annie ended up having a snowball fight with the butcher? LOL!!
and we all went on the park x]
as much as i love lois, her squatting down in just tights (new versh of the tight dance - bibbs&lh xD!!) is quite disturbing as i was standing behind her and got.....erm.....a 'good' view :L
hahahaha :P
she makes me laugh ^_^

ahhhh jee :) ♥
i think i mention her in every single blog :L
it's getting quite obsessive x]

muse - i belong to you.
another brillopads song :D

dont think im going to col tomo.
annie and jess t arent.
but jee might be sleeping, so i may have to meet her somewhere.
will have to seeeee ^^

cant wait to see lh on friday :D
i think im gonna go into school with lou on friday :L and if jee sleeps, she can come with x] yeeaaaaaah! (Y) paha :D

talking to bibbs now actually :D
ahh i miss her soo much :'( ♥

that's all mdears ;)


Lora :) xx

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

friday night ♫

lily allen - friday night
...WHY have i never discovered how brill this song is?! x]
its ACE :D

well today was certainly interesting :L
i think most of our class knows about me and jee now.
that was quite a 'arghhh' moment :L
we were being a lot more obvious today. :)

lady gaga - i like it rough
such a ace name :L :L

well.. hopefully jee will sleepover this thursday.
if her mum lets her.
if she doesnt..ill probs go crash over lou's as per. :L
OMG!! lou isnt at college on if jee cant sleep..then i might ask if i can sleep at lous!
havent done that in bloody aaaaages!!! :L
pancakes, jaffa cakes and cheesy pasta at 3am ;)
pahahaha :L
tell ya what though, NEVER staying up the whole night with her again!
i was so ratty the next day :P hahahaha xD

lh has a phone again :D :D
yeyyyy x]
someone to text when the missus falls asleep/is at work. :P
paha :P

supermassive black hole is THE SEX.
hahaha that's such a chavvy saying :L
but this song is the best song in the whole bloomin' world :D ♥
it gives me shivers every time :L
matt bellamy = LEGEND ;)

♫ i thought i was a fool for noone, but oo baby im a fool for you. ;)

dont really have a lot to put :L
paha. xD
oh phones running outta battery ;O
ahh cba :L
it can run out!
xD hehe.



Lora :) xx

Friday, 8 January 2010

Do do do

college has been crrrrazy this week.
yesterday just failed. :L
ended up just me, annie and jess t in..
so we went back to mine, had a snowball fight, a munch and played on the wii ^^
well..actually, annie and jess made mii's..and then annie went on "my horse and me" and started swearing at the voiceover because she couldnt do it :L
pahahaha :P
so ive lent it her so she can practise ;)
im a lovely friend ;)
lmao xP

thanks to annie for sorting out me and jee. :) ♥
though annie doesnt actually read my blog. :L
may have to give her the link sometime ;)

yippee..facebook inbox from random man who runs the "You know you're from Stanley Common when..."
that group makes me ROFL sooo bad :L
pahahahaha x]

hmm...if its not as snowy next week a bit later on,
i hope jee can sleepover thursday. :)
havent asked her yet. :L
but i dont think she's working that friday?
even if she is...sleep over anyway woman!! :D

stiff dylans actually rock :D
♫ ultraviolet ♪
omg..their cover of ever fallen in love is EPIC :D

hmm..i want a chinky.
at this random time?

oh good grief...
snow patrol - run
BLOODY depressing!!!

oh ended up at josh's last night for le party a la his petite soeur Charlotte.
dragged bibbs along (Y)
wasnt actually that bad!!
not as awkward as i first expected.
guess i know josh well enough to be relaxed around him.
just a bit weird.
....VERY weird :L
spesh being back in that house.
pahaha :)

jodie didnt go.
i may tell her i went.
that his parents specifically invited me ^^
and his sister did.

need a wee.
but cba to go.

ohhh yeah! would need a wee NOW!!
went to the doctors earlier about the state of my feet.
which are actually black and blue with bits sticking out :S
so many people have stood on them.
yeah..THANKS lou, josh and scot!
and so i had to give a pesky wee sample.
and i really didnt need a wee.
i dont think i've ever not needed a wee so much in my life :L
it was a pathetic amount. :L the doctor (who looks like santa!! yeahhh!) was like "ok, you have to have a blood test too"
i bloody hate them!!!
and then he was like "yeah you'll have some cream to put on your feet, and you'll be put on these capsules for 28 weeks"
......i cant swallow tablet.
and capsules are bigger.
said that to him, and he said "well dont bite these whatever you do, your blood pressure will rocket up and your mum wont be very happy with me"
mum just laughed?
and he said "well try and if you really cant take them, come back to me"
so ive got the prescription for them and the cream.
and on the way home, said to mum, "you do know theres like no way ill be able to take them, i cant swallow anything"
then she gave me all this about being in the right mind set and shizz..and said "well if you bite them, you'll go into heart failure"
so if i accidentally bite the fuckers..
ill fucking DIE.

well that's put a WHOOOOLE lot of confidence into myself!!!

so got home..
and started full on sobbing on my bed.
was going to phone jee..
but didnt really want her to hear me crying so much.
but then she phoned me anyway.
had a bit of a sob to her about it.
and she gave me advice and calmed me down a bit.
i love her :) ♥

also...the blood test means my doctor's gonna turn around for the THIRD (!!) time and go "oh, you're anaemic again, ill put you on iron liquid too. oh, and folic acid."
iron liquid tastes like licking a car. literally. it tastes like metal? go lick some metal...THATS what iron tastes like!!
folic acid liquid is the one. foulest. consistency. ever.
you know when you've got a cold?
and you'll cough?
and flem comes up?
folic acid ACTUALLY tastes and feels like that.
but you've gotta swallow it.

so not too happy about all that. :L
as you can imagine.
there's no way ill be able to take the capsules.
they're gonna be like cod liver capsules.
those are bloody HUUUUUUGE. D;

i dont know.
stressful day or what!!

off now..had my rant :)
jee - do your bloody blog!! :P


Lora :) xx

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

first date ♥

grrrr. :) bored and have tummy ache. (N)
cant be good.

well..i met brendan cole last night :D :D
it was sooo goood!! :P
in the little books you can buy (and we did!), there was a sheet of paper with a space to ask him a question and he'd answer it after the interval.
so i asked him who his fav band/singer is.
and he answered it! :D i doodled on the paper too, and he said he liked it!!! :D :D
ahhhh x]
brendan. cole. said. my. name.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
shame we didnt go like, 2 years ago when i was abso in love with him :L
but it sorta fulfills my younger teenage dreams. :)
also, i got an autograph off him and his brother Scott :D
and, i got a photo with him!! xD
the photo will be on the internet (and this blog!) shortly, but my pc is crappity crap and hates my phone/vica versa and they wont cooperate and connect. the poos!!

but eep :D
he's really tall.
and really skinny.
but he put his arm round my waist ;)
hehehehehehe :D

i went bright red. :L off college today.
was snowing really heavily all yesterday and today.
so noones gone in :L
lmao :P
i hope jee can get into derby tomo though.
its really bad in chesterfield, and the buses werent running today.
howevs, its not snowing here and has got better a bit.
hope the 59 runs!!
or if she doesnt come over, i wont even be able to go to lou's!! :L pahaha.

off :)
write more later no doubt.


Lora :) xx

Monday, 4 January 2010

big girls you are beautiful ♥

god knows wtfudge is going on with my pc today!!
hahaha :P
i dont really wanna know!!
picture on the right is of me and bibbs earlier this summer ;)

we were TRES wet after swimming in the sea fully clothed. :L
not one of my better ideas? hmm. ;)

well i really hope jeejee can come round thursday.
shall be superduper if she can. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
we shall go on a "triple date" with the loons. and jodie.
:L pahaha :)
me + josh = super awkward! :L
but be rate ;)
hmm...i think ill text him in a sec to ask him about it actually.
as he's "planning it"
...when i know that jee's coming down...ill plan it! :)
im a bit ocd about that ;)

thought i'd include some interesting facts about myself that have occured in '09 ;) .....

Times heart broke: 1.
Boyfriends: 3.
Men ive snogged: ....5?
Women ive snogged:...5! :L
Best friends gained: 5.
Girls ive fell in love with: 1.
Ex best friends who got with my recent ex bf: 1.
Best friends lost: 1.
Best friends kept: 2.
Current age: 16 years and 4.2 months.
Number of skittles milkshakes consumed: Approx 10.
Times been on holiday with bff: 1.
Number of friends who got cancer: 1.
Number of parties attended: 5 or 6.
Cats gained: 2.
Presents i still need to give to out but that is not from me and i am just passing it on: 1.
Number of ipods: 3.
Gaming consoles: 4.
First cd bought: Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High.
Number of sexual encountors: ..about 20?
Family gained: 1.
Family later lost through a breakup: 1.
Scars: 4. (though technically 8)
Said Ya Mum: 34590764098249058909934232364

:) that'll keep you entertained! ;)
brendan cole (brenbren) tomo night :D
jee wasnt at col today..i miss her :/
a lot.
more than i think she realises!
daft sod.


Lora :) xx

Sunday, 3 January 2010

bloody breadsticks.

i opened one of the cupboard doors to innocently get some skittles, and was immediately attacked and facially raped by a packet of breadsticks and some jaffa cakes?
boobie trapped by my own mother.
hmph. :P

...*munch munch* the skittles tho ;)
and a cookie :D nomnom.

really busy atm :L on facebook ;)

had a pretty good day.
apart from getting shouted at this morning.
that blew. (N)
spent the day with ynnan and arwah (my nanny and my great-uncle for those dim bulbs out there :D)
watched the polar express....oddly good? :L pahaha :P

muttidoodle's taking them home now. ^^
so its college tomo :)
and i have no foundation :
well..i do...but i dont have any of the right colour of powder i use the most :/
i've got the TINIEST amount in the world off one of my old ones :/
hence why i bought my current one to replace it!
but my current one has disappeared.
so i shall be tinged orange tomo til i can get to a boots (N) bad times. :L
n.mind..ill survive. ;)
will pop to ilkeston after col :P

oooo..brendan cole on tuesday!
lmao..that's gonna be bloody funny xD

hopefully jee will sleepover thursday :)
that mad double date thing might be happening?
me, jee, josh, jo, lou, robin.
but funny. :L tres tres.
cinema? me thinks.
snogging in the dark = niceeeee :P

will write later if i can be bothered ;)


Lora :) xx

Saturday, 2 January 2010

blog number 2..

you know im no good.

is it wrong that i actually like amy winehouse?.......
yep. :L

well well....jodie's party ;)
it was VERY fun :L
but kinda rough at the start.
me and lh arrived, and just stood around for a bit as everyone was sober.
then started the drinking :L
i drank quite a lot really.
had way too much malibu.
it was BLOODY nice tho ;)
hehe :P

also, didnt talk to josh much.
except to call him a cunt and a bastard.
and to tell him to fuck off. :L
wasnt very nice to him.
but i was drunk. so thats my tres good excuse ;) pahaha.

jee couldnt go :/ didnt think she'd be able to.
was right bummed out at first.
had a massive strop about it, and i was with my vati when she told me, so i went in a righht mood with him in maccy d's. :L hahahaha :P bless him. ;)
so drunk so i didnt care about jo and josh as much.
but they...well,....jodie was basically rubbing my face in it.
i tried to talk to josh on his own about it in the bedroom..and she wouldnt leave us alone?
i was basically just gonna tell him to please at least pretend he/they care and not snog next to me.
but i ended up on the phone to jee, in jodie's room, with both of them next to me cuddling. :S
nice. (Y)
tactful (Y

n.mind..josh left at half 11 and i was ok after that. :L
so i started talking to jodie's brother's (Gregg) mates (Mo and Chris).
and now im engaged to chris? :L pahahaha :P
it was actually legit.
he got down on one knee, and told me he'd "get me a ring" ..and gave me his chain instead to wear for the night :L
and even kissed my hand!
awwuhh ^^ i felt so loved. :L
and then he wrote his name on my leg?
mm..romantic ;)

woulda been better if jee coulda gone..but ya know..tis in the past now..what happened happened. :)

fell out with jodie now. :L
josh is trying to arrange a double/triple date for me and jee, him and jo and lou and robin.
so we can all make friends again?
well i said some pretty nasty things to jo.
the worst calling her josh's rebound.
which TECHNICALLY...she is!
but i dont think he sees it that way. :L the technical term for her ;) paha.

so im trying to get jee to sleep on thursday.
hope she asks her mum.
and hope her mum says yes. ♥
purrrr. i miss her.
really really really really looking forward to monday :) just to see her :D
though i wont see annie i dont think :/ cause she's a bit ill. ♥
i hope she'll come in too. dont wanna be alone in ict! and need to catch up with her on goss ;) pahaha. :P

listening to crissy aggy.
fighter ♫
got jess t to download some songs for me ;) muse and papa roach :P hahaha :P ♥

meant to be doing assignments.......pfft. cba.
got arwah and nanny coming round tomo.
urgh. meant to be doing my assignments tomo! gah :L fail x]

off now..will stick some of the party pics on here ^_-


Lora :) xx
p.s. photos = 1. me and chris. 2. me with chris in le background. 3. me, chris, lou and scot.