well im feeling particularly malicious today.
^_^ well..tonight.
me and scot have just been having a natter.
about josh and jodie (Y)
he said he'd been talking to her earlier or something..so had a chat about their relationship.
both of us dont think its gonna last.
im betting josh cracks her. :)
scot thinks he'll crack first.
only time will tell ;)
though is it a good idea betting against me? ;)
"you wont see me betting against alice."
x] hehe.
had a really good day at coll :)
twas a Lorannie day tbh x]
me and anniebalector cleaned out the pigs this morning, but finished like 40 mins early x] which is always good ;D
then munched our way through a lot of food (Y)
and read a few mags.
mutti's not back yet.
tho she said she wouldnt be back til after 6.
ive been home since half 3 :L
done nothing mind P; (Y)
lh is coming down on the 12th with james, her boyfriend.
be nice, yet awkward, to meet him. ^_^
russ's 50th party on that saturday ;)
oh, im babysitting kirsty next saturday too.
should be pretty groovy :)
annie's sleeping tomo.
:D hopefully :L
will have a natter with her and make LISTS x]
ahh, my pink pal ♥
ma rosé amie! ;)
au revoir, yep.
Lora :) xx