Bonjour :)
Wowza...havent - *atchoo!!* - ..bless me :P as i was saying..haven't wrote a blog in aaages! ;O looool :P
Wowza...havent - *atchoo!!* - ..bless me :P as i was saying..haven't wrote a blog in aaages! ;O looool :P
Haven't been doing too much tbh.
Went to the fair :D that was v.fun! (Y)
Wednesday went down with just Josh and went on High Roller. :)
Then went down Thursday with Lou and Hannah and went on Top Buzz and nearly threw up. :L
Then went Friday and slept over Lou's. Went down with Lou, Josh and Micheal. Went on Waltzers (they were actually really really good!! :D), Top Buzz, Waltzers and me and Bibbs went on the Carousel ;) ohh yess. :P
Went to the fair :D that was v.fun! (Y)
Wednesday went down with just Josh and went on High Roller. :)
Then went down Thursday with Lou and Hannah and went on Top Buzz and nearly threw up. :L
Then went Friday and slept over Lou's. Went down with Lou, Josh and Micheal. Went on Waltzers (they were actually really really good!! :D), Top Buzz, Waltzers and me and Bibbs went on the Carousel ;) ohh yess. :P
Was v.fun. :)
Me and Bibbs went back to hers and we watched St Trinians..which i left there by accident :P ahaha..and then we talked about various things til about 1am. xD
Me and Bibbs went back to hers and we watched St Trinians..which i left there by accident :P ahaha..and then we talked about various things til about 1am. xD
Yesterday went to Dad's and was walking around garden centres.
Today finally dragged my butt out of bed at 10.30 and lounged in pjs til 12.30ish :L then me and mutti went to look for a ferret cage, but the shop was closed. Ended up going to the garden centre and went out for a meal. :) had a carvery..nom nom nom! ♥
Today finally dragged my butt out of bed at 10.30 and lounged in pjs til 12.30ish :L then me and mutti went to look for a ferret cage, but the shop was closed. Ended up going to the garden centre and went out for a meal. :) had a carvery..nom nom nom! ♥
Listening to Muse - Uprising xD i have it on my phone!! Yeya! :D
Josh has gone on holiday now. He's in Wales. (Y) Mt Snowdon..thrilling times.
I've been to that part of Wales..it was wet, cold and yuck.
But he's a little rich boy, so instead of camping which i have to endure everyyear, he's in a cottage......with a jacuzzi. : tut. He should try coming camping with me sometime! D; ..infact no..i look right rough on holiday. :L
I've been to that part of Wales..it was wet, cold and yuck.
But he's a little rich boy, so instead of camping which i have to endure everyyear, he's in a cottage......with a jacuzzi. : tut. He should try coming camping with me sometime! D; ..infact no..i look right rough on holiday. :L
We might be getting ferrets this week :D
We're gonna try and order a cage on Tuesday if it's cheap..i hope it wont take long!! ♥
Hmm..might ask mutti if we can nip to Pets At Home on friday, the one that Jess H works at ;D 'cause i know she works fridays :L ahaha :P they sometimes have ferrets in there. :)
We're gonna try and order a cage on Tuesday if it's cheap..i hope it wont take long!! ♥
Hmm..might ask mutti if we can nip to Pets At Home on friday, the one that Jess H works at ;D 'cause i know she works fridays :L ahaha :P they sometimes have ferrets in there. :)
Hmm..ought to think of some ferret names. :)
I want a lighter coloured one, and im not too bothered about the other colour. :)
Omgosh, if i get an albino, sooo tempted to call it Satan. xD hahahahahaha :P
Then if any Jehovah's Witnesses came knocking, i'd take him to the door and ask them to 'kinda hold Satan' while i go get a pen :P hahahahahahahahaha :D
I want a lighter coloured one, and im not too bothered about the other colour. :)
Omgosh, if i get an albino, sooo tempted to call it Satan. xD hahahahahaha :P
Then if any Jehovah's Witnesses came knocking, i'd take him to the door and ask them to 'kinda hold Satan' while i go get a pen :P hahahahahahahahaha :D
♫ i felt the air rise up in me! ♫
Slipknot - Wait and Bleed. :) awesome song!! xD
Slipknot - Wait and Bleed. :) awesome song!! xD
If i get jills, i wanna call one Nala. :D i like that name. ♥
But if i get hobs...i like the name Olly :D hahaha :P
If i get jills, i wanna call one Nala. :D i like that name. ♥
But if i get hobs...i like the name Olly :D hahaha :P
Off now ;)
Lora :) xx